How to Order F.I.R.S.T. AWARDS
Welcome to Out of this World Embroidery, LLC!
We are excited to now be part of the newly established EMH's F.I.R.S.T. AWARD program.
Product catalogs are available below for you to choose your reward(s).
Please Print Legible!
Ordering is easy.
The F.I.R.S.T. CARD will be GREEN in color and have a preprinted number on it. Please fill out the information on the card, making sure to include color/size of your product if applicable, then take a picture of your card and upload and submit your answers below. Your order will be emailed directly to us and will be included in our next F.I.R.S.T. AWARD submission.
Be sure to print legible and fill out your card completely. It should include the following information.
This will help us get the correct product delivered to your department in an efficient and timely manner.
PRIZE # (include size/color if applicable)
Don't feel comfortable loading your card up, or are having problems?
No Worries!!! Just text a picture of the card to 859.236.1753, or scan and email to
For your convenience, all orders will be delivered to your Department Directors/Managers
for your convenience and to simplify delivery.
NEED HELP? Give us a call!! 859.236.1753